Women in Leadership Opportunities for 2021 Annual Conference

Edith Kaplan Scholarship

Started with seed money by Ms. Ann Richardson and Dr. Ron Ruff, the scholarship was established to fund 3-4 students each year to attend activities sponsored by WIL at the Annual Conference. Edith Kaplan’s family has given their wholehearted endorsement of naming this scholarship fund in memory of Dr. Kaplan. Rachel Kaplan said that students were her grandmother’s passion and she and her father know that she would have been delighted to help support students attend WIL events. 

Each year, students in NAN are invited by WIL to write an essay – each year there is a new theme – which involves reflecting upon the nature of leadership.  The essays are judged by a subcommittee, and winners are selected to receive an Edith Kaplan Scholarship. The scholarship consists of free registration for the WIL Networking Event and funds to defray travel expenses to the Conference.  

The Women in Leadership (WIL) Committee is pleased to announce the Eleventh Annual Edith Kaplan Scholarship Award. 

WHO: All student members (post-graduate, graduate, or undergraduate) who have not previously received this scholarship are eligible to apply for the 2021 WIL Edith Kaplan Scholarship. Applications from both women and men are welcomed and encouraged. Recipients are expected to assist with the registration desk at the WIL Networking Event at the annual conference. Scholarship recipients will receive:  

1. Free registration for the WIL Networking Event.  
2. $450 to defray travel expenses.  

WHAT: In order to apply, please submit a 500 word (min) to 1000 word (max) essay on the following topic: 
”Reflecting over the past year, what aspects of training, professional development, or networking have changed for the better? How might you use or enhance these changes as you move into more advanced training and/or professional roles? How would you further utilize these changes/tools to promote advancement of women in the field, particularly those from underrepresented groups?” 

WHEN: Please send your essay to NANWIL@nanonline.org no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on Friday August 27, 2021.  

9th Annual Sponsorship Program

The Women in Leadership (WIL) Committee of NAN is pleased to announce an opportunity for promising graduate students or postdoctoral fellows to shadow “behind the scenes” conference activities and spend one-to-one time with leaders in the field of neuropsychology. The WIL Sponsorship Program has identified several leaders who have agreed to share a few hours of their time during the annual NAN conference. If selected (typically 3-5 selected), your sponsor will contact you prior to the conference, as an introduction. You will meet your sponsor at the NAN conference, including time for informal one-to-one conversation and the opportunity to meet some of your sponsor’s colleagues. All genders welcome.  Past participants have described this opportunity as informative and encouraging. If interested, please complete the attached application . Provide a brief (2-3 sentences) description of your interest in this Sponsorship Program and rank the topics you would most like to discuss with a sponsor. The application must be accompanied by names and contact information for two recent supervisors who can describe 1) your professional interests, 2) your strengths and accomplishments, and 3) your potential for success in neuropsychology.   Send your application to the WIL email address at NANWIL@nanonline.org no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on Friday August 27, 2021