Position NIH Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Location Baltimore, MD
Job Description Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
Translational Addiction Medicine

The Real-world Assessment, Prediction, and Treatment (RAPT) Unit (https://irp.drugabuse.gov/staff-members/david-epstein/) is part of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Intramural Research Program (IRP), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). We are recruiting a Postdoctoral Fellow. The workplace is the Translational Addiction Medicine Branch (TAMB), NIDA IRP, Baltimore, Maryland.

RAPT conducts human research, both on site at NIDA's laboratory facilities and remotely via smartphone-based or online data collection. The Postdoctoral fellow will be involved in a variety of projects, under the supervision and mentoring of Dr. David Epstein, Tenure-Track Clinical Investigator and Chief of RAPT. The Postdoctoral fellow will focus on development and testing of content for a mobile intervention for substance-use disorders (SUDs)-specifically, what is sometimes called a JITAI (just-in-time adaptive intervention). This project is an outgrowth of RAPT's ongoing work with smartphone-based EMA (ecological momentary assessment) and has been progressing through initial formative research-specifically, in-depth interviews with members of relevant populations. The Postdoctoral fellow will be expected to continue the project but also to extend it creatively, addressing their own specific research questions and their own broad vision of what mobile interventions should do. This endeavor will require a strong background in both the phenomenology and the treatment of SUDs. It will also benefit from a degree of skepticism about mobile interventions (skepticism sufficient to improve them and to acknowledge limitations in success). The ideal candidate will have the critical-thinking skills needed to develop a research protocol (most likely a microrandomized field study of different types of momentary JITAI content, though this can be negotiated), present data, and develop and publish papers, and also a strong capacity for empathetic personal interactions with research participants.

A Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree is required. The fellowship is open to US and foreign citizens. The selected candidate will have access to lectures, educational, mentoring and grant training opportunities at the RAPT and TAMB levels, the NIDA IRP level, and NIH-wide.
To apply, please send current CV, a statement of research background and interests, and at least 3 reference contacts to: David Epstein, Ph.D., email: david.epstein@nih.gov

The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs. DHHS and NIH are Equal Opportunity Employers.