NAN Fellows

Fellow status is the highest honor that NAN bestows upon members. Fellows are members of NAN who have demonstrated evidence of advancing the science and profession of clinical neuropsychology. Fellow status requires that a person's work is recognized in some of the following areas: scientific and scholarly publications, teaching, volunteering in NAN, significant activities contributing to the advancement of the profession of neuropsychology, and clinical excellence.

Once the honor of Fellow status is bestowed upon the member, it is expected that the member will continue to serve the field through leadership in NAN, mentoring of junior members, and participation in the NAN community and organizational activities. Fellows are expected to maintain their membership in NAN and, as a result, will have full voting privileges. Like all professional members, Fellows may hold elected office and be members of committees.

Fellow status is considered for individuals who: 1. Have been NAN professional members for at least 5 years, 2. Have 10 years post-doctoral experience in clinical neuropsychology, and, 3. Have contributed significantly to the science and/or profession of clinical neuropsychology through distinguished practice, teaching, research, and/or public service.

The call for Fellow applications is now open for Professional members meeting the criteria above through May 1, 2024. Applications are only accepted during this designated period.

Click here to submit your Fellow application

Russell L. Adams, Ph.D.

Daniel N. Allen, Ph.D.

Edgar O. Angelone, Ph.D.

Robert D. Annett, Ph.D.

Patrick Armistead-Jehle, Ph.D.

Juan Carlos Arango-Lasprilla, Ph.D.

Carol L. Armstrong, Ph.D.

Peter Arnett, Ph.D.

Beth Arredondo, Ph.D.

Bradley N. Axelrod, Ph.D.

Christopher McKenzie Bailey, Ph.D.

Mark T. Barisa, Ph.D.

Edward Barnoski, Ph.D.

William B. Barr, Ph.D.

Jeffrey T. Barth, Ph.D.

Vivian L. Begali, Psy.D.

Heather Belanger, Ph.D.

Thomas L. Bennett, Ph.D.

Richard A. Berg, Ph.D.

Jane Holmes Bernstein, Ph.D.

Hilary Bertisch, Ph.D.

Robert M. Bilder, Ph.D.

Laurence M. Binder, Ph.D.

Kelly L. Blair, Psy.D.

Kyle B. Boone, Ph.D.

Veronica Bordes Edgar, Ph.D.

Stephen Bowden, Ph.D.

Cindy Lisa Breitman, Ph.D.

Joan W. Brennan, Ph.D.

Brian L. Brooks, Ph.D.

Donna K. Broshek, Ph.D.

Jared Bruce, Ph.D.

Thomas G. Burns, Psy.D.

Desiree Byrd, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

Michael D. Chafetz, Ph.D.

Gordon J. Chelune, Ph.D.

Morris J. Cohen, Ed.D

Robert L. Conder, Jr., Psy.D.

Douglas B. Cooper, Ph.D.

John C. Courtney, Psy.D.

Paul L. Craig, Ph.D.

John R. Crossen, Ph.D.

Simon F. Crowe, Ph.D.

William C. Culbertson, Psy.D.

Munro Cullum, Ph.D.

Tanya J. D'Avanzo, Ph.D.

Jennifer Duncan Davis, Ph.D.

Nick A. DeFilippis, Ph.D.

John Deluca, Ph.D.

Robert L. Denney, Psy.D.

Nyaz Didehbani, Ph.D.

Jacobus Donders, Ph.D.

Michael L. Drexler, Ph.D.

Ruben Echemendia, Ph.D.

Robert W. Elliott, Ph.D.

James V. English, Psy.D.

Patricia B. Espe-Pfeifer, Ph.D.

Lewis M. Etcoff, Ph.D.

Robert R. Fallows, Psy.D.

Philip S. Fastenau, Ph.D.

David Faust, Ph.D.

Ronald S. Federici, Psy.D.

Jerid M. Fisher, Ph.D.

Laura A. Flashman, Ph.D.

Michael D. Franzen, Ph.D.

Louis French, Ph.D.

Daryl Fujii, Ph.D.

Richard L. Fulbright, Ph.D.

Shawn D. Gale, Ph.D.

William Garmoe, Ph.D.

Carlton S. Gass, Ph.D.

Brandon Gavett, Ph.D.

Anthony J. Giuliano, Ph.D.

Charles J. Golden, Ph.D.

Sam Goldstein, Ph.D.

Hilary Thompson Gomes, Ph.D.

Mark Goodman, Ph.D.

Patrick W. Gorman, Psy.D.

Wm Drew Gouvier, Ph.D.

Kevin W. Greve, Ph.D.

Trevor A. Hall, Psy.D.

Duke Han, Ph.D.

Lana Harder, Ph.D.

David E. Hartman, Ph.D. 

Marc W. Haut, Ph.D.

Jill S. Hayes, Ph.D.

George Kahle Henry, Ph.D.

Bruce P. Hermann, Ph.D.

Jeremy Brandon Hertza, Psy.D.

Christopher I. Higginson, Ph.D.

Benjamin David Hill, Ph.D.

Robin C. Hilsabeck, Ph.D.

Alice Ann Holland, Ph.D.

Jim Hom, Ph.D.

Stephen Honor, Ph.D.

Michael David Horner, Ph.D.

A MacNeill Horton, Jr., Ed.D.

Sigmund Hough, Ph.D.

Grant Iverson, Ph.D.

Doug Johnson-Greene, Ph.D.

George (Brick) Johnstone, Ph.D.

Tedd Judd, Ph.D.

Stephen S. Kalat, Ph.D.

Robert L. Kane, Ph.D.

David A. Kareken, Ph.D.

Lynda J. Katz, Ph.D.

Gary G. Kay, Ph.D.

Carrie Hill Kennedy, Ph.D.

Michelle Kibby, Ph.D.

Pamela S. Klonoff, Ph.D.

Elizabeth Kozora, Ph.D.

Kenneth C. Kutner, Ph.D.

Laura H. Lacritz, Ph.D.

Jose M. Lafosse, Ph.D.

Rael T. Lange, Ph.D.

Karen G. Langer, Ph.D.

Glenn J. Larrabee, Ph.D.

Theophilus Lazarus, Ph.D.

Robert A. Leark, Ph.D.

Paul C. Lebby, Ph.D.

Brian K. Lebowitz, Ph.D.

David M. Lechuga, Ph.D.

Gregory P. Lee, Ph.D.

Tatia M.C. Lee, Ph.D.

David Libon, Ph.D.

Roger Light, Ph.D.

Sara Lippa, Ph.D.

David W. Loring, Ph.D.

John A. Lucas, Ph.D.

Stephen N. Macciocchi, Ph.D.

William D. MacInnes, Ph.D.

Robert L. Mapou, Ph.D.

Wendy B. Marlowe, Ph.D.

Daniel C. Marson, Ph.D.

Daniel A. Martell, Ph.D.

Roy C. Martin, Ph.D.

David M. Masur, Ph.D.

Karin McCoy, Ph.D.

Michael McCue, Ph.D.

Brenna C. McDonald, Psy.D.

John E. Meyers, Psy.D

Daniel C. Miller, Ph.D.

Maura Mitrushina, Ph.D.

Jennifer M. Morgan, Ph.D.

Joel Morgan, Ph.D.

Jeri Morris, Ph.D.

Chris Morrison, Ph.D.

Rosemarie Scolaro Moser, Ph.D.

James A. Moses, Jr., Ph.D.

Randi Most, Ph.D.

Lyn Harper Mozley, Ph.D.

Linda Nelson, Ph.D.

Darlyne G. Nemeth, Ph.D.

Christopher J. Nicholls, Ph.D.

Kristie J. Nies, Ph.D.

Chad Allen Noggle, Ph.D.

Marc Norman, Ph.D.

Paul D. Nussbaum, Ph.D.

Sid E. O'Bryant, Ph.D.

Maureen K. O'Connor, Psy.D.

Judith O'Jile, Ph.D.

Patricia H. H. Papero, Ph.D.

Jamie Pardini, Ph.D.

Randolph W. Parks, Ph.D., Psy.D.

Thomas D. Parsons, Ph.D.

Ronald G. Paulman, Ph.D.

Edward A. Peck, III, Ph.D.

Dana L. Penney, Ph.D.

William Perry, Ph.D.

Patricia A. Pimental, Psy.D.

Neil H. Pliskin, Ph.D.

Kenneth Podell, Ph.D.

Marcel O. Ponton, Ph.D.

Amir M. Poreh, Ph.D.

George P. Prigatano, Ph.D.

Antonio E. Puente, Ph.D.

Arnold D. Purisch, Ph.D.

Steven H. Putnam, Ph.D.

John J. Randolph, Ph.D.

Michael J. Raymond, Ph.D.

Joseph H. Ricker, Ph.D.

Tresa Roebuck-Spencer, Ph.D.

Wilma G. Rosen, Ph.D.

Joel Rosenbaum, Ph.D.

Leslie D. Rosenstein, Ph.D.

Monica Rosselli, Ph.D.

Heidi C. Rossetti, Ph.D.

Robert M. Roth, Ph.D.

Robert A. Ruchinskas, Psy.D.

Laurie M. Ryan, Ph.D.

Christine Salinas, Psy.D.

Mark A. Sandberg, Ph.D.

Michael Santa Maria, Ph.D.

Scott W. Sautter, Ph.D.

Andrew J. Saykin, Psy.D.

Lynn A. Schaefer, Ph.D.

Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe, Ph.D.

James G. Scott, Ph.D.

James D. Seward, Ph.D.

Marla Shapiro, Ph.D.

Cheryl H. Silver, Ph.D.

Raymond Singer, Ph.D.

Gary S. Solomon, Ph.D.

David J. Sperbeck, Ph.D.

Pete L. Stavinoha, Ph.D.

Robert A. Stern, Ph.D.

Tony L. Strickland, Ph.D.

Anthony Y. Stringer, Ph.D.

Michael L. Stutts, Ph.D.

Julie Suhr, Ph.D.

Thomas P. Swales, Ph.D.

Rodney A. Swenson, Ph.D.

Donald E. Trahan, Ph.D.

Geoffrey Tremont, Ph.D.

Kristen Triebel (Gerstenecker), Psy.D.

Alexander I. Troster, Ph.D.

David E. Tupper, Ph.D.

Chriscelyn Marie Tussey, Psy.D.

Frederick W. Unverzagt, Ph.D.

Barbara P. Uzzell, Ph.D.

Rodney D. Vanderploeg, Ph.D.

Tara Victor, Ph.D.

Mirna I. Vrbancic, Ph.D.

Mark T. Wagner, Ph.D.

Richard L. Wanlass, Ph.D.

Frank Webbe, Ph.D.

Kathleen Welsh-Bohmer, Ph.D.

Douglas M. Whiteside, Ph.D.

Greta N. Wilkening, Psy.D.

J. Michael Williams, Ph.D.

David J. Williamson, Ph.D.

Pamelia F. Willis, Ph.D.

John L. Woodard, Ph.D.

Jonathan Woodhouse, Psy.D.

Martin Woon, Ph.D.

Timothy F. Wynkoop, Ph.D.

James R. Youngjohn, Ph.D.

Penelope D. Zeifert, Ph.D.

Eric A. Zillmer, Psy.D.

*NAN Fellows listed on this page are members in good standing as of February  20, 2024.