NAN Position on Board Certification
The National Academy of Neuropsychology recognizes that successful completion of a rigorous peer examination of neuropsychological knowledge and skill through board certification provides the clearest evidence of competence to practice clinical neuropsychology. The NAN 2001 definition of a neuropsychologist notes that board certification is not required for professional practice, but it is evidence of advanced training, supervision, and applied fund of knowledge in the field. In 2004, NAN past president Robert J. McCaffrey noted that (a) NAN has a longstanding policy regarding nonpartisanship and neutrality regarding board certification organizations (Executive Board Minutes, October 30, 1990; April 5, 1991), and (b) this position has been reaffirmed officially by resolution several times over the years by the NAN Board of Directors (McCaffrey, 2004). In 2000, the NAN Board of Directors reaffirmed this position of neutrality. Thus, NAN recognizes the importance of board certification while continuing to maintain a position of neutrality regarding board certifying organizations.