Kristen Robinson Hoskinson, PhD

What is your practice location and type?

Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital - a research institute affiliated with a large children’s hospital.

Please tell us about your professional practice:

I now live primarily in the research world. I started my faculty position as 90% research and 10% clinical, where I focused mainly on outpatient neuropsychological assessment for children with TBI or cancers that affect the brain (leukemia, brain tumor, etc.). Since COVID, I’ve shifted away from direct clinical care and focused all my efforts on research, where my work focuses on identifying brain substrates that underlie deficits in social cognition and adjustment following childhood TBI, cancer, or critical forms of congenital heart disease using an integration of structural and functional MRI, standardized assessment, and real world/ecological assessment of social reputation and behavior.

What activities do you enjoy outside of work?

I spend most of my out-of-work time with my husband (Matt) and two boys, Arlo (4) and Remy (1).  They keep me very busy, but otherwise I love cooking, spending time with friends, and watching college football.

Why did you join NAN?

I initially joined to sign up for the online neuroanatomy course during my clinical internship – highly recommend! – but since then I’ve really enjoyed the conference and networking opportunities, and had the chance to serve on the Clinical Research Grants Committee as well.

Do you have any advice to offer or anything else you’d like to add?

My research collaborations with clinical faculty have been some of my most enjoyed and creative. I’m a huge advocate for clinically-informed research efforts, so really encourage trainees to seek out opportunities to collaborate, even if you don’t plan on focusing heavily on a research career!