Position Clinical Neuropsychologist
Location San Antonio, TX
Job Description Our established private practice office, located in the medical center in San Antonio, TX, is recruiting a full-time neuropsychologist to join our team. We have an immediate need for someone with experience evaluating adults presenting with a wide range of neurological conditions.

Practice Description
Our offices are located in the heart of the medical center in San Antonio, TX. Our professional team consists of doctoral level psychologists in the fields of Clinical Psychology and Counseling Psychology. Michael A. Roman, Ph.D. is our senior psychologist, with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, postdoctoral fellowship training in Clinical Neuropsychology, additional licensure as a specialist in School Psychology, and formal postdoctoral certification in Clinical Psychopharmacology. Other psychologists in our practice specialize in evaluating and treating a wide range of clinical conditions, including ADHD, autism, behavioral disorders, depression and related mood disorders, somatic disorders, and anxiety disorders. We provide consultation, evaluation, standardized assessment, and therapy services to children, adolescents, and adults ranging in age from 5 to 90+.

Role Description
We are recruiting one full-time position for a Neuropsychologist to be part of our team at the Offices of Michael A. Roman, Ph.D. In particular, we are seeking to recruit a neuropsychologist to focus on evaluating adults presenting with a wide variety of neurological conditions. Our referral base includes neurologists, primary care physicians, and psychiatrists. This position will involve administering (or supervising the administration of) and interpreting neuropsychological tests, conducting interviews with patients and their families, and providing recommendations for treatment and intervention. Superbly well-trained psychometrists are available to facilitate all aspects of our clinical duties. An interest in providing psychotherapy services is also highly desirable.

This is a private practice position. Compensation is directly related to productivity, allowing for the possibility to achieve the highest levels of pay documented in our profession.

The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D. or Psy.D. in Neuropsychology, Clinical Psychology, or a related field with specialized coursework, training, and experience in Clinical Neuropsychology. While ABPP-eligibility is not required, we strongly prefer candidates whose training is consistent with the Houston Conference model. We also require applicants to be currently licensed, or eligible for licensing, in Texas. At a minimum, applicants must have completed their degree program and successfully passed the EPPP exam.

The position provides a high degree of autonomy and independence in scheduling and the scope and methods of practice; however, we also have significant support structures in place to facilitate success, including active and readily available consultation and/or supervision. Despite being a private practice, a minimum of two hours per week are devoted to didactic lectures, case conferences, and other scholarly presentations. We also are proud to have launched a postdoctoral fellowship program in Neuropsychology based on the Houston Conference model.

It is our expectation that the successful applicant will assist with teaching and supervision to at least some degree.

œ Doctoral degree in Neuropsychology, Clinical Psychology, or a related field
œ Licensure or eligibility for licensure as a Psychologist in the State of Texas
œ Prior successful completion of the EPPP exam for those for whom licensure may be pending
œ Documentation of prior supervised experience in neuropsychological assessment, diagnosis, and intervention

Interested applicants should submit a current CV and cover letter with statement of interests to:
Michael A. Roman, Ph.D.